Here is an update on some of the progress being made. One of the first tasks to work on was coming up with a trip logo and ordering sponsorship pins. My daughter Jessie (a designer by training) helped produce the sponsorship pin. With the help of, we were able to get the initial order of these pins underway. The pins should arrive in the next few weeks. With a 3,500 mile trip, anyone who provides a one cent per mile sponsorship (or at least $35 donation) will receive a pin. To meet our goal, we will need to secure 1,086 individual "one penny per mile" sponsors to surpass our $38,000 target.
The next task in the communications department was to design a card (baseball cards size) to hand out to people to explain the trip and what we are raising money for (Leader Dogs for the Blind). Additionally, these cards can be handed out along the journey to quickly communicate to people what we are working to accomplish.
We have also been working on getting this blog up and running so those interested will be able to follow our progress. The web address for this site was also secured ( so people can easily find the site and join the cause. My wife Debbie will also be working on creating a Cycling for Leader Dogs Facebook page as well, so stay tuned for this addition. She will also be the keeper of the blogs once I am on the road as well as taking care of all the long distance trip logistics.
Within our club, we are busy organizing ourselves into roles and responsibilities. Lion Steve and Lions Ken and Judy are leading the way with this work. Lion Steve will be serving as the liaison to all the clubs that will be joining the effort. This could include trip support, individual or club sponsorship or even "ride alongs" to support Leader Dogs. He is also working to arrange local club visits for me and scheduling a presentation on the trip at our upcoming district convention. Lions Ken and Judy will be leading the way by being our press contacts for the local media. All three of these fellow Lions are real connectors, so I am sure they will be keeping me very busy!
We are also in continual contact with Leader Dogs and the great folks in their philanthropy department. Mike Dengate as well as Kathleen Breen, Melissa Weisse, Brad MacKenna, Kathy Gilchrist and Ashley Picklo have all been super supportive and excited about the trip. I have been impressed with the Leader Dog team as well as very appreciative of their support in getting us going. We will be holding our second teleconference in a few days to go over the planning progress and collaborate on our next steps.
I am also putting in lots of running as I have several races scheduled this spring. Last but not least, I am making some significant changes to my bicycle that will make the trip much more efficient and safe. I will discuss these changes in future posts so you will just have to come back for more information on that subject.
You leave us in awe here at Leader Dog, Mark. Thank you for your example! -Brad McKenna
ReplyDeleteThanks Brad for the kind words.
Design of your lapel pins is so creative i like it so much. Most pins today are custom designed, which has grown to be a popular tool for branding and marketing............!!